How to Enable Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10

How to Enable Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10

Windows Photo Viewer is available as an option if the device was upgraded from an earlier version of Windows, e.g. Windows 7, you would see the Windows Photo Viewer directly in the Default Apps menu under Settings. If you have installed Windows 10 from scratch, you need to follow these steps to activate it:

§ Download these Activate Windows Photo Viewer on Windows-10 for the Windows photo viewer

§ Extract and double click on the “Activate Windows Photo Viewer on Windows 10” file

§ Now Registry of Windows Photo Viewer will be added. You need to make it as default now, for this go to Control Panel\Default Programs\Set Default Programs. Find the Windows Photo Viewer from the list and after selecting it, click on “Set This Program as Default”. Now you are done.

§ Next, restart your computer and your beloved Windows photo Viewer should be back. And if you wish to deactivate it, just run the ‘Deactivate Windows Photo Viewer on Windows 10’ file and restart your system.


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